Cosmetic in Chattanooga, TN

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is an aspect of dentistry that focuses on the appearance of the teeth, such as the rotation, the alignment, the size and the color. This includes enhancing the appearance of teeth that may be functionally fine, but could be improved in terms of aesthetic appeal.

How do I know if cosmetic dentistry is right for me or my family?

The key question to ask yourself is whether you love your smile. If the answer is no or you hesitate, it's worth talking to a dentist to see what can be done to improve your smile. Often, patients overestimate the complexity and cost of the solution.

What's the difference between cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry?

Restorative dentistry focuses on function and disease, such as treating cavities, broken teeth or missing teeth. Cosmetic dentistry, on the other hand, is about improving the appearance of the teeth to give people confidence in their smile. However, these two aspects can overlap, particularly when dealing with a disease process that also affects the appearance of the teeth.

How can a cosmetic dentist fix my teeth?

The approach depends on the problem. Cosmetic dentists can replace missing teeth, treat diseased teeth, and update or restore old dental work. They can also rectify teeth that are out of line using veneers or orthodontic treatment.

Can cosmetic dentistry improve my smile?

Yes, cosmetic dentistry can greatly improve a person's smile, often with straightforward and cost-effective solutions. Modern dental materials are very lifelike and can create a natural-looking smile that boosts the patient's confidence and self-esteem.

Can cosmetic dentistry fix an overbite?

Yes, cosmetic dentistry can fix an overbite. The solution might involve working with the front teeth, the back teeth, or using clear aligners like Invisalign or braces.

Can cosmetic dentists fix crooked teeth?

Yes, fixing crooked teeth is a primary focus of cosmetic dentistry. This can be achieved through orthodontics, like braces or clear aligners like Invisalign, or by realigning crooked teeth with veneers or crowns.

How old should a child be before considering cosmetic dentistry?

There's no set age, but certain procedures may not be suitable for very young children. It's often best to wait until the child has gone through the majority of their growth spurts and any necessary orthodontic work before considering certain cosmetic procedures.

Can cosmetic dentists work with young children?

Yes, cosmetic dentists can work with young children, often helping to prevent issues that could lead to bigger problems as they grow older.

Is there a point where someone is too old or not well enough to have cosmetic dentistry done?

Age is not typically a barrier to cosmetic dentistry. In terms of health, there may be a few conditions that require special precautions, but most health conditions can be worked around.

What other conditions can be fixed with cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry can address discolored teeth, missing teeth, and issues with the shape, size, and alignment of the teeth. Procedures include in-office whitening, implants, bridges, veneers, crowns, braces, and clear aligners like Invisalign.

How can cosmetic dentistry change the structure of my mouth?

Cosmetic dentistry can provide support to the lips and prevent a collapsed or sunk-in look that can occur when teeth go missing. It can also change the bone structure by moving teeth around with braces or placing implants to stimulate the bone.

When is cosmetic dentistry considered oral surgery?

Cosmetic dentistry can be considered oral surgery if it involves removing any kind of tissues or if a tooth needs to be removed or replaced with an implant.

What are the advantages and benefits of cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry enhances your appearance, restores your smile, and is usually done in the most conservative way possible. Often, improving the look of just a few teeth or even a single tooth can greatly improve a person's smile.

What's the process I can expect to go through with cosmetic dentistry?

The process varies depending on the procedure. For materials like crowns and veneers, you would come into the office, have the procedure, and leave with a temporary veneer or crown. The permanent fixture is usually placed a couple of weeks later. Implants require a longer healing process, and orthodontic work can take up to 24 months.

What should I consider when choosing a dentist for cosmetic dentistry?

Consider a dentist who has extensive experience in cosmetic dentistry, can show you before and after photos, and partners with a good lab. It's also important to find a dentist who is committed to continuing education in the field of cosmetic dentistry.

Is cosmetic dentistry painful?

Cosmetic dentistry should not be painful, as local anesthesia or nitrous oxide can be used to ensure the patient's comfort.

What anesthesia options do I have available for cosmetic dentistry?

Options include no anesthesia, local anesthesia, or nitrous oxide (laughing gas).

How long will it take me to recover from a cosmetic procedure?

Recovery time is generally short, with any soreness or sensitivity subsiding quickly.

Will I need to follow any specific directions after cosmetic dentistry?

There may be some helpful tips to follow, such as avoiding eating anything very crunchy or sticky if you have temporary crowns or veneers.

Is cosmetic dentistry covered by insurance?

The short answer is no. However, there are circumstances where insurance may cover some procedures that involves cosmetics. For example, if we're doing a crown on a front tooth due to decay, a broken tooth, or an old restoration that needs replacement, there is the possibility that insurance will cover it. We work closely with both the patient and the insurance company to maximize the use of benefits for the procedures we're performing. From a strictly cosmetic standpoint, if there is no functional or disease-related issue, insurance companies are less likely to provide coverage.

If my insurance will not cover the cost of cosmetic dentistry, are there financing options available to cover the expense?

Yes, yes, yes. We work with multiple companies in our office to provide financing options. We establish relationships with these companies and their representatives, offering various choices for patients. These third-party companies are highly efficient, allowing us to arrange financing within seconds while the patient is in our office.

How can I schedule an appointment to discuss cosmetic dental options?

You can call us at (423) 592-7676 or visit our website to request an appointment. We are available to set you up with a consultation. During the consult, we will:

  • Take a look at your dental X-rays and take any additional X-rays needed.
  • Conduct a clinical exam of your mouth.
  • Discuss any restorative or functional needs or any disease we may observe.
  • Talk to you about your smile and what we can do to help you love it.

If you have more questions or are ready to take action, give us a call at (423) 592-7676. We are here to help. I'm Doctor Dill, and I'm keeping it real.

If my insurance won't cover cosmetic dentistry, are there any financing options available?

In our office, we offer a range of options. You can choose to break the payments into installments, explore financing options, or simply pay for the cosmetic procedures outright. We strive to be flexible and accommodating in this regard, offering numerous financing choices. Our primary goal is to ensure your happiness and overall dental health while making the financial aspect as easy as possible for you.


What is cosmetic dentistry, why do it, what are the gains?

Cosmetic dentistry in Chattanooga encompasses any dental procedure that enhances the look (but not necessarily the functioning) of teeth, gums, and/or bite. It focuses mainly on dental aesthetics regarding colour, location, form, size, alignment, and overall smile look.

At Nooga Dentistry in Chattanooga, with restorative and cosmetic dental care, we help our patients from all over the area restore their smiles after the damage has taken place or achieve their goals of more attractive smiles. Here are the many services we have available to improve the health and appearance of our patients.

I Want A Cosmetic Procedure

What does cosmetic dentistry involve?

Cosmetic dentistry often entails:

  • Bonding, porcelain veneers (laminates), crowns (caps), and gum grafts are all examples of dental materials that have been added to teeth or gums.
  • Enameloplasty and gingivectomy include the removal of tooth structure or gums.
  • No changes to dental materials, tooth structure, or gums - teeth whitening (bleaching), laser whitening, gum depigmentation.
  • Orthodontics is the process of straightening teeth and improving the look of the face.

Cosmetic dentistry typically adheres to the principles of symmetry and harmony. Most individuals want their teeth to be brighter and their stains removed (coffee, cigarettes). Everyone wants to be proud of their smile and show it off.

Do I Need Cosmetic Dentistry?

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is the process of repairing decaying, broken, or discoloured teeth using a substance that closely mimics the colour of dental enamel. The dentist will remove all decayed areas of the tooth, then apply composite to the tooth's surface, "sculpting" it into the desired form before curing it.

Bonding is a low-cost cosmetic process compared to many other cosmetic treatments, making it an affordable and effective treatment option for individuals with decay, chipped or fractured teeth, or worn-down tooth edges.

I Need Composite Bonding

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are often made of medical-grade ceramic and are custom-made for each patient to closely match the patient's actual teeth. Veneers and natural teeth are frequently indistinguishable from one another. Dentists also use veneers to treat various aesthetic issues, such as misaligned teeth, damaged or cracked enamel, and unattractive gaps between teeth. Dentists use dental glue to adhere veneers to the front of each tooth.

I'm Interested in Dental Veneers


Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is still one of the most well-known and straightforward techniques of cosmetic dentistry. Dentists frequently prescribe teeth whitening when teeth become discoloured and worn as a result of the impact of certain meals, drinks, medications, and lifestyle behaviours such as cigarette use.

Professional teeth whitening or bleaching is performed in your dentist's office in Chattanooga after your dentist has ensured that there is no plaque, tartar, or other debris present.

I Require Teeth Whitening

Is it possible to get Cosmetic Dentistry in Chattanooga?

When contemplating cosmetic dental operations, the most crucial component is to go to a practice that has the experience, training, and experts to fully accomplish what you are looking for. Cosmetic dentist in Chattanooga Dr Mark Dill and his team are ready to fulfil your requirements and work with you to achieve a beautiful smile. Please contact us today on (423) 592-7676.

Cosmetic dentistry is anything that enhances a person's smile. This could involve Invisalign, braces, crowns, fillings, or veneers.

The only way to know is to come in and tell the dentist what you don't love about your smile. We can then come up with the best options for you.

General dentistry focuses on the function of your mouth and just all aspects of dentistry, while cosmetic dentistry pays more attention to what we see in your smile.

Restorative dentistry restores both the function and health in your mouth and also any cosmetic problems, while cosmetic dentistry mostly focuses on restoring the cosmetics. Sometimes, when we're considering dental procedures, it's just as easy to opt for one option as it is for the other. Take, for example, braces. Whether we're looking to align your teeth, apply veneers, or install crowns for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, it's just as feasible to ensure they're properly aligned for optimal functionality.

Cosmetic dentists have several methods to enhance your teeth. They can achieve this through teeth repositioning using options like Invisalign or traditional braces. Alternatively, they may employ non-invasive techniques like applying a covering to the teeth to alter their shade, shape, or alignment – think of it as adding a bit of “lipstick” to your teeth.

Another avenue is teeth whitening, where no physical alteration to the teeth occurs. Instead, the focus is on removing stains to brighten your teeth, leaving you with a dazzling smile that makes you truly happy.

Absolutely. Cosmetic dentistry can correct any issues with alignment, size, shape, or color of your teeth.

Yes, it can, but there may be a limit to what cosmetics can fix and we might need to involve specialists for more severe cases. If you're unsure whether your overbite can be corrected using the least invasive approach, feel free to reach out to us. We can assess your condition and provide you with a precise recommendation. If your overbite falls within the range of being slight, mild, or even moderately severe, we have the ability to employ minimally invasive techniques to effectively address and correct it.

Yes, crooked teeth can be fixed with braces or veneers, depending on the level of malalignment.

I would say that there's probably no age that's too young. Even braces or orthodontics are considered cosmetic treatments, so sometimes we begin to consider orthodontics or orthodontic appliances quite early. Many parents often ask when it's appropriate to start thinking about cosmetic treatments for their child, and the truth is there isn't really an age that's too young. This is because we can often intervene, even when children still have baby teeth, to help align their permanent teeth better. This, in itself, is a form of cosmetic improvement. Additionally, on the orthodontic side of things, we can sometimes use appliances, not necessarily full braces, to help align teeth as the permanent ones start coming in.

When it comes to more advanced cosmetic procedures like veneers or replacing a missing tooth with an implant, we typically start considering those a bit later, often in the late teenage years. This timing is usually determined by the child's development. The best course of action can be assessed by visiting your dentist or coming to see us, and we can evaluate your child to provide you with the most suitable guidance.

We absolutely enjoy working with young children; it's a lot of fun. Most of us on the team are parents ourselves, and many of us have young kids, so we understand the unique needs of working with young children. While our work with young children may not involve cosmetic procedures like placing veneers on baby teeth, there are still several things we can do to assist younger children. These interventions can aid in ensuring that their permanent teeth come in with better alignment and can potentially help avoid the need for braces or other cosmetic treatments later on.

You're never too old for cosmetic dentistry as long as it bothers you and it's something that you would like to work on.

Cosmetic dentistry can replace a missing tooth in the front without the need for an appliance that goes in and out of your mouth. This can be very strong and will give you confidence to smile knowing your tooth won’t fall out.

We can move teeth around with braces, Invisalign, veneers, or crowns.

Cosmetic dentistry is considered oral surgery anytime there's a tooth that is non-restorable and we need to take it out and then replace it.

Cosmetic dentistry gives you confidence in your smile, boosts your self-esteem, and can help overcome the judgment you may feel from others about your teeth.

The process is generally short term, with procedures like veneers or whitening done in a couple of weeks. Procedures like Invisalign or braces might take longer, between six months and two years depending on your situation.

When it comes to choosing a dentist for cosmetic dentistry, there are a few key factors to consider. Firstly, trust is paramount. Trust is a critical element in all aspects of dentistry. There are various dentists out there, each with their own approach to achieving your dental goals. However, it's crucial to work with someone you genuinely trust and feel comfortable doing business with.

Secondly, confidence and communication are essential. When you speak with a dentist, do you feel that they are confident in their ability to solve your dental problems? Can they easily explain the issues and propose clear solutions? Furthermore, when you inquire about the treatment process, are they able to explain it in a way that is easily understandable? These aspects of confidence and effective communication should also weigh heavily in your decision when looking for a cosmetic dentist.

No, cosmetic dentistry is not painful. Some procedures need no anesthetic at all, and some require local anesthesia. In the end, you shouldn’t be in pain.

Most cosmetic procedures are non-invasive and require no anesthetic. For others, we can do local anesthesia or provide nitrous oxide to relax you but not render you unconscious.

The recovery process after cosmetic procedures is remarkably short, taking very little time. Typically, from the moment you step into the office to when you leave, you will already have a temporary solution in place, and you'll be able to enjoy your new smile. While this initial solution is temporary, it looks impressive and is a significant improvement over your original condition. Just a few weeks later, you return for the permanent solution, and the good news is that there's virtually no healing time required at that point. After you receive the permanent treatment, you're ready to go without any further delay.

Yes, there are precautions you should take to protect your investment in your smile, such as not biting your fingernails, not chewing on things, not crunching on ice, and wearing a night guard.

In general, insurance companies don't prioritize the aesthetic aspects of your dental work; they are typically less concerned with how attractive you may appear. However, if you have existing dental restorations that need replacement for other reasons, there is a possibility that some of those costs may be covered by insurance. It's important to set the expectation that insurance is unlikely to assist with expenses related to cosmetic dentistry.

In our office, we offer a range of options. You can choose to break the payments into installments, explore financing options, or simply pay for the cosmetic procedures outright. We strive to be flexible and accommodating in this regard, offering numerous financing choices. Our primary goal is to ensure your happiness and overall dental health while making the financial aspect as easy as possible for you.